How to join Debian Squeeze to Active Directory Domain (winbind method).This makes possible to login as domain user, make samba shares with domain security, ntlm SSO to Apache sites, ntlm auth with Squid proxy.
Mail notifications by GMail from Debian
Описание настройки Debian Exim4 для рассылки почты через GMail apps for domain для получения уведомлений на почту из cron и скриптов.
Turn windows Home to Professional
Заметка для себя, дабы больше не гуглить. Минимальная версия Windows для подключения к домену - Pro.
Punto Switcher msi for GPO deployment

- Удален yandex update
- При установке пытается удалить другие версии PuntoSwitcher вместе с настойками, и ярлыки в меню Пуск
- Настройки сохраняются в папке с программой в \User Data\ для всех локальных юзеров. При установке даются права записи на эту папку для юзеров.
- Настройки по умолчанию: автопереключение выкл., звуки выкл, Win+S убран, добавлен Shift+ScrollLock для истории буфера обмена.
- В исключения программ добавлен IrfanView
MPC-HC msi package for GPO deployment
This is a Media Player Classic Home Cinema msi package for mass deployment in AD by Group Policy. Customizations from original version:
- Video files associations on install for all users
- All internal audio/video codecs enabled by default
- Settings saved in mpc-hc.ini file for all users. When installed write rights assigned to this file for all local users
Скачать MPC-HC.msi с русским языком по умолчанию
Firefox msi for GPO deployment
This is a custom msi package of Firefox 6.0.2 with some plugins for mass deployment in AD by Group Policy. Customizations from original version:
Скачать Firefox.msi русский. (Как сделать такую сборку самому -
- Installed plugins:
GPO for Firefox - apply GroupPolicy settings assigned by adm/admx to Firefox (Here used GPO for Firefox v0.9.3 modified by me.)
IETab - opens selected sites by IE engine inside Firefox tab
Adblock Plus - block advertisement, banners etc - Tweaked default interface:
Disabled text menu, cleared statusbar, Adblock button moved to top bar - Sets as default browser for all users
- No asking about import of IE bookmarks on first run
- No any browser information / plug-in notification tabs open on first run. Home page only.
- Auto-updates enabled by default. You need to give write rights for users to folder
%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox
for auto-updates works under user. This could be done by GPO settings (Windows configuration / Security / File system) - Modified firefox.adm GPP policy included. Added localfilelinks policy for opening intranet links to local resources, like file:\\\o:\path\file as described here
Скачать Firefox.msi русский. (Как сделать такую сборку самому -
IrfanView msi package for GPO deployment

This is a custom msi package of IrfanView v4.30 with some plugins for mass deployment in AD by Group Policy. Customizations from original version:
- Auto file association only for images
- Installs additional plugins only for image types (Postscript.dll, Jpg_transform.dll, IPTC.dll, Formats.dll, Exif.dll, ImPDF.dll, JPEG2000.dll, Mrc.dll, Hdp.dll, Awd.dll, Wbz.dll, Riot.dll, Lcms.dll, Ecw.dll, Jpeg_LS.dll, Jpm.dll, Wsq.dll, Crw.dll, Exr.dll, Sff.dll, Lwf.dll, Ldf.dll, Ics.dll, Fpx.dll, DjVu.dll, B3d.dll, Dicom.dll, Vtf.dll, Pngout.dll, Icons.dll, EAFSH.dll, LogoManager.dll, Photocd.dll, KDC120.dll)
- Custom icons.dll for file types icons in explorer (No red dead cat anymore! :)
- Leila 16x16 toolbar icons
- Removes old folder %ProgramFiles%\IrfanView
- Removes old link folder or shortcut %StartMenu%\IrfanView(.lnk)
- No desktop shortcut, only one at %StartMenu%\IrfanView.lnk
msiexec /i \\server\path\IrfanView.msi /passive will give you only progressbar without Cancel button
msiexec /i \\server\path\IrfanView.msi /quiet totally silent install
Download IrfanView.msi
Скачать IrfanView.msi с русским языком по умолчанию
Adobe Flash and Adobe Reader msi packets
Some quick info about getting Adobe Flash and Adobe Reader installers in msi form for distributing in AD by GPO.
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