
Network socket state statistics monitoring by Zabbix

It's strange that zabbix-agent lacks for information about network socket states. At least it would be nice to monitor number of ESTAB, TIME_WAIT and CLOSE_WAIT connections.
Good that we can extend zabbix-agent - so I made this:


userscript: AWS Docs Column Reader

Continuation of Wikipedia goes 3 columns
but now for AWS documentation:

This script will make long lines split to 3 columns, to make text more readable for wide screens.
It will turn this:

to this:

- You need a userscript compatible browser
- Then just click this link


putty-nd vs SuperPuTTY

I've been using putty-nd for a long time. Starting from putty_nd2.0 it started to support chrome-like tabs and development was going quite rapidly. Lu Dong (author) was always responding to emails and bugs were fixed fast. But unfortunately this stopped at Feb 2014 with few annoying bugs left:
  • When some tab connection drops, it can randomly freeze some other tab, so you need to reconnect both of them
  • Tab names are right aligned. So, when you have a lot of tabs opened, their width is short and you see only endings of names like '...ain.local' instead of 'server1.doma..'
  • When you click 'open new session' button and starting to type search query - it always skips first letter
  • And the most unfortunate was that putty-nd sources weren't available. Latest one I was able to find was v6.0_nd1.11 back from 2011.

Nevertheless of those issues I still was using putty-nd. Because other clients like MobaXterm, Xshell, MTPuTTY, mRemoteNG were even more inconvenient. Here is what I liked in putty-nd so much:
  1. When there are >1000 sessions configured - you will never click by mouse in tree-like menu to open a new session. Preferably to have quick live search bind to hotkey
  2. Having only hostname in clipboard and no such session configured, open new one based on some predefined settings in couple of keypress
  3. When session was dropped, restart it without touching mouse (like pressing Enter in it)

SuperPuTTY has almost 2 bullets from 3 above. And most importantly it is opensource. So, next time I got mad from putty-nd frozen tabs I'd decided to move to SuperPuTTY. A little patching and it became a usable client for me ;)

Here is what was done:

1. Open Session dialog

Now search field always stay focused, pressing Up/Down you changing selection in table. Second column shows only folder name of session in tree. To search for all sessions in some folder start searching with '/' (as in example). Searching for hostname was changed to be matched from beginning, to search for any part of hostname - prepend search with '%'.
For example to find connection 'i.sepa.spb.ru' from screenshot, one could search for '%sepa'

2. Added detection of dropped connection. For such tabs icon will be changed (to icon from putty-nd ;)

For those first two tabs context menu will be also reduced. When you switch to such tab and press Enter in console, session will try to reconnect.

For other changes see commit history: github.com/sepich/superputty/commits/master
Download precompiled binaries here: github.com/sepich/superputty/releases

Main patches were submitted back to SuperPuTTY community - hope some of them would be merged upstream.


ElasticSearch internals monitoring by Zabbix

NOTE: New version of this article with use of zabbix_traps is here

There is quite a lot of Zabbix monitoring agent extensions for ElasticSearch monitoring. But they are limited and provide just some predefined counters. What if you need to collect internal data?


Debian Wheezy and Brocade 1010/1020/1007 10Gbps CNA

There are two ways to make Brocade 1010/1020/1007 10Gbps CNA working in Debian Wheezy:
1. Right way: Go to official Brocade site, download 3Gb(!) iso image with binaries for kernel-2.6 (!) and sources. Compile sources for Debian's kernel-3.2.
2. Quick way: It's not right but just works, if you need quickly enable networking with new kernel.


Article mobilizer plugin for tt-rss

One feature that i've always missed in Gooogle Reader was ability to open mobilized version of article link right in feed list (As it is done in gReader and JustReader mobile clients). What was problem for Google Reader is not a problem to implement for Tiny Tiny RSS - open source alternative of Google's product. This is my plugin which makes possible to read mobilized version of full-article linked from RSS-feed.

For now you can choose from those mobilizing services for each feed separately:
  • Readability (default option)
  • Instapaper
  • Google Mobilizer
  • Stripped Original (original article without styles and images)
  • Original (full original article)



Precompiled hd-Idle armhf deb-package for Debian

There is still no hd-idle package in standard Debian repository. Even in testing branch. WTF!
You can get sources at official site but you'll need to install a lot of dependencies to compile it.
Or here is already compiled version:
Download hd-idle_1.04_armhf.deb

# cd /tmp
# wget http://i.sepa.spb.ru/_/mele/hd-idle_1.04_armhf.deb
# dpkg -i hd-idle_1.04_armhf.deb
# nano /etc/default/hd-idle

Installing HDD inside of Mele A1000/2000

I have a Mele A2000G and use it as home media server (with Debian installed instead of Android). And HDD is the main thing of this set. But i don't have an HDD case (I heard that it goes with A1000 model) And it looks not so accurate to place this box near a TV with a raw HDD without cover installed on top of it. Let's check if it possible to install HDD right inside Mele A2000 box:


Wikipedia goes 3 columns

Recently I had to read a lot of wikipedia articles. If you have a widescreen monitor - you know how its looks like. Very long lines of text stretching across the whole 1920px wide of browser window. As well as big gaps of free space near contents and infobox tables. I thought that it's possible to somewhat improve readability of wikipedia by using greasemonkey and new html5 columns markup. Done ;)

Script will:
- Display wikipedia article text in 3 columns
- Hide menu and ads
- Move contents table and infoboxes to left pane instead of menu

- You'll need a userscript compatible browser
- Then just click this link
- OR use openuserjs.org mirror


See also userscript: AWS Docs Column Reader